Little’ Lizzy On Going Au Naturale!

Written by Esther Kanyua

“It’s the most liberating feeling”

It has been two weeks since I started my “transitioning” and I am running out of combs to break. I decided to talk to Lizzy, who has been rocking natural hair for about a year, for some much-needed inspiration.                                                                                       

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“I am tired of being a slave to the Chinese!”

Lizzy confesses that like most women with coarse hair, she was brainwashed to believe that only straight hair was beautiful. For over seven years, Lizzy spent a lot of money and countless hours on her hair. She sewed in her own weaves, permed her hair and even wore a wig.

In August of 2010, she made a not so routine visit to her hair stylist, demanding she shaves her head bald. “I was tired of being a slave to the Chinese!” she said.

She did not go bald, instead she walked out of the hair salon with a mohawk. “I am a rebel at heart.”

Lizzy urges women stop being conventional and to have the courage to live outside the expectations set by society. Not everyone can pull of a mohawk. she says, “You have to have the confidence to go with it.”

“I believe your head is like a blank canvas just do something that defines you”


  1. Well, anonymous.. thank you for the vote of confidence, I truly appreciate that… Esther you should definitely write a book or something… Lol.. you are good at what you do 🙂

    Mad Love,
    Little’ Lizzy


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